I stand alone on my own two feet. I am everything that I need to be. I am trying to be, everything that God needs me to be. And so, if that means that i have to forget about my so called "Friends" because they don't want to have anything to do with me because of my point of view, then so be it, I am a one girl revolution. I can make a change that will be seen around the world. I'm cocky, but its a good cocky. . . cause if I wasn't this cocky, I probably wouldn't be where I am today. . . I have written two books, and I have 3 more already started. I have gotten so far in my career, by doing so little. But a little bit of energy, and a little bit of love, can go a long way. I have always wanted to go to a foreign underpriveleged country to help the children. I haven't done it yet, but i keep telling myself that just one more paycheck, and then i think, Ashlee. . . What are you doing?!? Because if i could just affect one child's life, then i could have made a world of differences. And I know I sound as though I'm just talking, but if you really think about it. . . God could take that child, and make an awesome missionary or that child could do something in return for someone else, and that person for someone else, and so on and so on. . . It frustrates me so badly, to see innocent children suffering for their parents mistakes. There are so many children here in the U.S. that won't eat their supper, because its not McDonald's, when there are children in Haiti, or maybe someone in your own neighborhood, who don't have any food. Teach your children to give. Because, you could have a one girl/boy revolution living in your home with you. You could be the parent of a child who could change the world by his/her actions and words. It makes perfect sense to me. Does it make sense to you? Leave me some comments. . . I love feed back!!
By The Way, sorry I haven't written in so long, but my computer has been down, don't worry I still love my readers and I'm not leaving my post anytime soon.
Ashlee Ryder