A Site to show, what's in the mind of Ashlee. . . and to show, my views. . .
You Took My Shame, My Blame On My Cross
Published on May 25, 2004 By Ashlee Ryder In Religion
I'm really not motivated today.. there is so much that I want to say, but everytime I think I am getting some where with this, my mind gets blocked. My niece is graduating tonight and so I have an hour or so to figure this out. I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said, and I don't know what to write, that hasn't already been read. Everytime I think about Jesus, I find myself so confused. How could someone who was in Heaven with God, want to leave his home and come here to save a bunch of people who would just forsake Him? Then I realize, those were my thorns, my scorns and my tears, that pushed Jesus to do what He did. He took all my sins and all my iniquities, on MY cross. I should have been the one to pay, I was the one who sinned, not Jesus. So why did He die for me? I don't even do justice to the life that Jesus gave me. He could have called 10 thousand angels and we wouldn't have our salvation, and thats why He did it. He loved us, and He wanted us to be in Heaven with Him. So, doesn't that make you want to give your life to Him, or to serve Him? In consideration to the way my mind is working today, I will only write another couple of lines... Jesus must have loved us quite a lot in order to DIE for US! for me and for you and for everyone! Now how can anyone turn down a love that one man would give His life for us??

No Greater Love Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends
Sorry its not as enlighting as my others.. maybe tomorrow will be better... Leave Comments!!
Ashlee Ryder

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