A Site to show, what's in the mind of Ashlee. . . and to show, my views. . .
Published on June 29, 2004 By Ashlee Ryder In Religion
I went to a church party tonight. It was actually a picnic. I had went to the restroom and on my way back, someone stopped me and said, "Ashlee, I was sitting across the yard from you and I saw you, and I said to myself, she is getting to be so pretty." I wanted to cry. Little did this person know, I was feeling depressed. Which you all could have figured from my last blog. I'm just stressed; I'll get over it, eventually. Anyway, I'm in a really good mood, so I figured I should probably write while I'm happy and not when I'm ticked.

I want to try to write about one of my favorite passages of Scripture. Job 10. I'm going to break it up into sections so that it's not one big long article.

Job 10:1-5
~1. My soul is weary of my life: I will leave my complaint upon myself; I will speak in bitterness of my soul.
~2. I will say unto God, Do not condemn me; shew me wherefore thou contendest with me.
~3. Is it good unto thee that thou shouldest opress, that thou shouldest despise the work of thine hands, and shine upon the counsel of the wicked
~4. Hast thou eyes of flesh? or seest thou as man seeth?
~5. Are thy days as the days of man? or are thy years as man's days?

Sorry to leave you on a questioning note there. To put you into the mindset of Job while he was writing that, He had lost his family, and pretty much all he owned. He felt as though God was rejecting him, as if maybe he did something wrong. But in all actuality, God was proving himself through Job. So all I can say right now, is there will be hard times, but God is only trying to prove his glory through you. So just keep looking up. I had to teach myself that, and after reading those 5 verses, I am beginning to realize this, more and more, every time I read them.

Ashlee Ryder

on Jun 29, 2004
So all I can say right now, is there will be hard times, but God is only trying to prove his glory through you. So just keep looking up. I had to teach myself that, and after reading those 5 verses, I am beginning to realize this, more and more, every time I read them.

Thanks, I needed to hear that, and you put it in a way that my blonde mind can comprehend. Very good blog.

on Jun 30, 2004
there will be hard times, but God is only trying to prove his glory through you

Too right Ashley. Life is hard, and deliberately so. But this is because hardship builds spiritual muscle and strength. Persevere Ashlee, God won't let you down. Remember that Jesus shares in all our suffering, and He understands how we feel.

“In the world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.” - Jesus (John 16.33)
on Jul 02, 2004
See Ash its hard times, suck it up and keep going
there are other cute GUYS out there, ya don't need matt at all

- Andrew -
on Aug 27, 2004
Thanks for replying Andy Baker. That was really helpful! *hugs him*

there are other cute GUYS out there,

hahahah you are so right Andrew!!! *hugs him*
