A Site to show, what's in the mind of Ashlee. . . and to show, my views. . .
I sure do see alot of them on JU lately. . . Wonder why that is, hmm
Published on September 4, 2004 By Ashlee Ryder In Blogging
So, when some of you read my last article, you jumped to some conclusions. Why am I not surprised at this???? What's new right? You never seem to be happy unless your accusing someone of something. So you know what? Go right ahead. Accuse me of whatever your heart desires. I don't have any reason to have to explain myself to you. The only authority that I need to know is okay with everything is God. Not you and not anyone else. So, if you have a problem with it, you'll just have to get over it.

You wanna know why I'm living with my boyfriend? My parents are in Pa, they moved. My school is here in Kentucky. I have a house, but at the moment, I can't live in it. There are many different reasons that I don't feel like getting into right now. Let's just say, paperwork was lost and now I don't have keys. I'm living with Aric, because he is the only person I have here. I have no where else to go. Aric and I don't even share a bed on a normal basis. If he see's I fell asleep in his bed, he crawls in and tells me good-night and gets his pillow and a blanket and sleeps on the couch. You think you know what I will or will not do, but you don't. I've got a better head on my shoulder than you may imagine. Or you might just be trying to ignore it because you know I will probably be farther in life than you by the time I'm 21.

That wasn't very nice... I apologize... actually, No I don't. You have a problem with what I write? That's your problem. I'm not worried about it. And by the way, Aric and I have actually been together for a year or so now. But off and on because he was in the Navy for some time, and we broke things off because we didn't know how the relationship would last being so far away. Go to hell if you think that you know whether or not the relationship will last now.
I love Aric. Always have, always will.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 22, 2004

Oh this is pathetically ridiculous.

I remember when I confronted 'Emma'....she put up pretty much the same fight as 'Bridget' is doing now. 

Oh, and the yahoo address you gave me doesn't work, Ashlee....I mean Bridget.....

on Sep 22, 2004
How come you people think im Ashlee.. IM FREAKIN NOT.... i think thats harassment isnt it?
on Sep 23, 2004
Dharma.. send me mail to sk8rgurl1389@yahoo.com

That should work. If not, just send mail to simple_things

on Sep 23, 2004

And ya Karma why dont ya delete my thinger.. i dont use it anymore

I wasn't referring to deleting, I was referring to banning.  Which, if I banned one, the other would go, too if they are the same....hmmm...now that is an experiment waiting to happen....

on Sep 23, 2004

 Ashlee, you are having a hard time keeping your story straight:  "I didn't lie about Emma Leigh, Shawn and Alysia. They are real. Everything else was pretty much one big lie, other than they were my neighbors in Kentucky, but Aric, Alyssa, and myself moved last month to Ohio when Aric's parents offered to help us out if we needed it after moving in to a house here."

That should work. If not, just send mail to simple_things

The simple things account is "Emma's" remember?  And, if you moved to Ohio, how did you end up with the same IP block?  Your ISP breaks it up per state and it gets determined by the actual number that you dial in on.  So, how did you move a month ago and end up in the same IP block (which, of course, was also used by "Emma" and the IP addresses are still on record and still match ones of the same time in your account).  You do realize that I can track the IP to the ISP and the dialer that it connects to?  And, yes, that means that if you chose a different number in the list to dial through that it still can be tracked to a pretty close location.

Why do you keep going on with this?  You need to just stop and get help for whatever is causing you to do this.

on Sep 23, 2004
Karam..i dont have another User name thingy... i dont use Crazy-in-love anymore... i just use The Anonymous User thing... if i just use that can you still tell what the IP address thing is??.. tell me this please.... im gettin sick of people saying that im Ashlee... Im not!!!
on Sep 23, 2004
Oh alright Little-whip... you think that i think thats against JU's thing.. isnt it.. you calling me all that stuff.. ok but anyways.. i want to know If my Ip addy is diffrent from ashlees now... Cuz im really NOT Ashlee... and im gettin sick of you telling me i am!!!!!
on Sep 23, 2004

you think that i think thats against JU's thing..

No, actually, it's not.  She said what she imagined.  that is quite different from calling somebody a bitch.

Why is your grammar and spelling getting worse by the day?  And, why doth you protest too much?

How about this- send me a high resolution scan of your drivers license and have Ashlee do the same?  (That way I can verify it with your Secretary of State and prove it one way or another).

Or, if you don't want to do that, just shut up and go away.

on Sep 23, 2004
Karma, im 16.. i dont have my license yet... and sorry that my grammar is way bad.... i cant spell good at all.. sorry if that affends you or anything....
i cant send you my license CUZ I DONT HAVE ONE!!!
on Sep 23, 2004
Which, if I banned one, the other would go, too if they are the same....hmmm...now that is an experiment waiting to happen....

Why don't you just try it and find out?????? You people are freaking out over this shit and taking it way to seriously. Bridget is REAL. She is NOT my creation. If you don't want to believe me, Try your little experiment.

I'm not overly worried about making you believe that I am real, therefore, I will not send you my license. But Seeing as how Bridget is freaking out because you guys don't believe we are two different people, do your damn experiment. Get it over with, its just a stupid blogging site, not the end of the world if one of us or both gets banned.

on Sep 23, 2004

Me thinks that Bridget doth protest too much. 

I also remember asking Emma for similar information...her husband's battalion and his MOS - and getting the same diversion tactic.  


on Sep 23, 2004
one of us or both gets banned

I could read into that...but you all know what I am getting at!!
on Sep 23, 2004
Yet your entire post was doing just that, attempting to explain yourself by stacking more lies on top of the ones youve already told.

exactly what i was thinking when i was reading this for some soap opera drama fetish that I have.
on Sep 24, 2004

Why don't you just try it and find out??????

Granting your wish now....

Of course, it can't prevent people from logging in anonymously with a different IP, but it does ban the current IP and account, so we will see what happens

on Sep 24, 2004

Reply #55 By: KarmaGirl - 9/24/2004 9:05:04 AM
Why don't you just try it and find out??????

Granting your wish now....

Oooohh...this is gonna be interesting!

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